Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It's Already April--Where Have I Been?

I've been checking on my fellow bloggers, but I couldn't remember how to get to my old blog! Thanks to Kate from AZ--I followed a link I sent her months ago! Blah!

Well, I started back to WW and even got my Mom to join. I've lost 5.2lbs so far--after 4 weeks. My Mom lost 4.2lbs the first week!!! I'm really happy for her. She did WW about 30 years ago and actually gained weight. It took a lot of convincing to get her to go with me. She can't believe the point system and how much you can actually eat. Although I get 25 pts and she only gets 18 pts per day.

I'd write more, but I better get to the gym or I'll never make it.

Love to hear from you guys!

1 comment:

The Price's Wife said...

Hey! Good to see you again! As for my advice... it's ALWAYS good to get a second opinion. ALWAYS. The first doctor I saw said my thyroid was borderline, but wouldn't prescribe anything for it. Thyroid levels don't test the same every day though... depends on what you eat and such... Anyway, when I finally went for a second opinion a couple of months later, the test came back that my thyroid was VERY slow. MAN I wish I had listened to my body and gone for a second opinion long before! Let me know how it works out for you!